Sunday, June 8, 2014

Nutrients and Mental Health

It's been awhile since I posted. Summer is a very busy time for my family, which is fine because I am creating memories for them. 

Since my last post, I went through a training on how the food we eat affects our mental health. I always knew there was a connection, but just never knew how deep. I learned of essential amino acids and how we can only obtain them from food. Sad thing is, so much of our food is altered or processed to where these key ingredients are not readily available. 

I learned that antidepressants deplete a persons Vitamin B supply. Ironically, antidepressants cannot do their job without these vitamins. I learned that omega 3's help all the essential amino acids do their job. I learned about each amino acid and it's role in the body. See, I am fascinated by this because it is my passion to help people regain their bearings from mental health issues. This information provides me with an arsenal to adequately do my job. 

Recently, I encouraged the Vitamin B and the omega 3 for someone who experiences depression and severe anxiety, who felt the medicine zapped their energy. After a few days supplementing these essential nutrients, the fatigue went away and their mood lifted. AMAZING! 

As for myself, I know I struggle with carb and sugar cravings. I know I have cortisol problems, the stress related hormone that causes weight gain and difficulty losing that weight. I learned bout L-theanine, the main ingredient in Green Tea. I was hesitant to drink this because I was afraid it was not possible to be delicious. See, L-theanine lowers stress, hence lowers cortisol, then lowers and curbs these cravings I experience ALL THE TIME. So naturally, I turn to Pinterest for green tea recipes. I pinned a few. It turns out the sweet tea lover in me can just replace black tea with green tea. I even add the lemon for a little extra health benefits. I love it! My family loves it. It's a win. 

I know, your saying, there is still sugar in it. True. Very, Very true. But see I am a believer in small changes. I cannot make big changes, because then I know they won't actually be a lifestyle change for me, just a fad. So I take baby steps. 

Even with the sugar in my new found favorite summer drink, I do not crave carbs and sugar, like I did. It even has curbed my appetite. I also know there are proven benefits of reducing blood pressure and slows your heart rate. Lowering cortisol prevent those borderline diabetes people from getting full blown diabetes. Lowering the stress hormone also help lower inflammation in the body which can cause depression, anxiety, ADHD, dementia and Alzeimers. 

So my one small change for the last week was to incorporate green tea in my diet, daily. Only time will tell if the bloating and big stomach will disappear by lowering my response to stress. Check out the recipes, they can be really good. :)